January 24, 2021 - Happy as a Lark

Horned Larks in a corn field southwest of the 128th Avenue and Bingham Street intersection 1/24/21 Snow Buntings (primarily white, in background), Lapland Longspur (fourth bird from the right), and several Horned Larks feeding in a field 1/24/21 On a cold Sunday morning on January 24, 2021, I received a text message from a birding friend named Lonny. T he conditions (cold and snowy) were good for seeing a flock of Horned Larks that morning, so Lonny let me know in a text that he was on his way to see if they were at their common locale of 128th Avenue and Bingham Street in West Olive . I had previously informed him of my bad luck of being unable to get a good look at a Horned Lark, so I appreciated that Lonny was very willing to make sure I would have my chance to see them. Snow Buntings and Horned Larks taking flight 1/24/21 Minutes later, I found out via text that Lonny's hunch was right: he saw a large flock of Horned Larks , Snow Buntings , and even some Lapland L...